Only self-discipline will temper this radical change to cognition: an info-diet, as paleo as possible.
For thirty thousand years, humans have learned with some physicality, by applying some motion and effort to the task. Cave painting, cursive writing, turning pages, stone tablets, listening and telling stories aloud, copious hand-cramping note taking, flipping through library cards, waiting for the paper to arrive. How is that not embedded into our natural history, our DNA? And in ten years, we remove it all and give our little ones flicker-tablets as though the struggle of all previous learning was mere inconvenience and we, lovingly, can now spare them the burden of rote learning and white pages. Kids WANT to doodle in the margins, their instinct is to do so. We kill their imagination and thought with constant stimulation. Electronic news is essentially an endless episode of, "Ow, my balls!"
We should have to WORK for our information. I think Postman would agree.
If the medium is the message and the message drives insanity, let's use a different medium.
That's why we're here! What medium do you wanna see take off or return?
Oh, the cat's out of the bag.
Only self-discipline will temper this radical change to cognition: an info-diet, as paleo as possible.
For thirty thousand years, humans have learned with some physicality, by applying some motion and effort to the task. Cave painting, cursive writing, turning pages, stone tablets, listening and telling stories aloud, copious hand-cramping note taking, flipping through library cards, waiting for the paper to arrive. How is that not embedded into our natural history, our DNA? And in ten years, we remove it all and give our little ones flicker-tablets as though the struggle of all previous learning was mere inconvenience and we, lovingly, can now spare them the burden of rote learning and white pages. Kids WANT to doodle in the margins, their instinct is to do so. We kill their imagination and thought with constant stimulation. Electronic news is essentially an endless episode of, "Ow, my balls!"
We should have to WORK for our information. I think Postman would agree.