Geeky Stoics
Geeky Stoics
Michael Steel on the DC cantina, Han Solo and Star Wars' case for democracy

Michael Steel on the DC cantina, Han Solo and Star Wars' case for democracy

Michael Steel is a Republican strategist and partner for Hamilton Place Strategies. He served as a communications officer for the likes the Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan and John Boehner. He caught the eye of Beltway Banthas when on Kasie DC (MSNBC) he knocked the Trump administration for approaching staffing like it was the Mos Eisley Cantina. Now he speaks with Beltway Banthas about his love of Star Wars and much more. We get into his career, how Jeb Bush & Marco Rubio's 2016 feud sparked this podcast into being and also how Star Wars makes the case for democracy...but perhaps not with total devotion.


Guest: @michael_steel

Geeky Stoics
Geeky Stoics
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture.