Hello banthas! This week we are happy to bring to you an interview with Tamara Keith, White House Correspondent for NPR and co-host of the NPR Politics podcast. Tamara is a HUGE Star Wars fan and we have a fun discussion about her fandom, her thoughts on new films, old films, Leia, Emperor Trumpatine and more. Review our podcast on iTunes! Every rating helps get this podcast to more people. Connect with us on Twitter @BeltwayBanthas Stephen @Stephen_Kent89 and Tamara at @TamaraKeithNPR Subscribe to NPR Politics for a great weekly podcast and news recaps. You won't regret it!
Interview: Tamara Keith (NPR Politics)
Aug 18, 2016
Geeky Stoics
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture.
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture.
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