Geeky Stoics
Geeky Stoics
Interview: Looking for Leia (Dr. Annalise Ophelian)

Interview: Looking for Leia (Dr. Annalise Ophelian)

Dr. Annalise Ophelian, the driving force behind Looking for Leia, joins us for a discussion on women in fandom, sexism, social movements, how to ensure fandom is inclusive.

Looking for Leia is an upcoming documentary film that "features interviews with an intergenerational and culturally diverse group of female fans" who discuss entering Star Wars fandom, what Star Wars has meant to them, and the continuing trends of sexism they face. We also talk about her career and background, how Star Wars has informed her politics, social movements, why people misinterpret Saw Gerrera and the Partisans, and much more!

Get in touch with everyone on the show!

Follow Dr. Annalise Ophelian on Twitter @Dr_Ophelian | Follow Looking for Leia on Twitter @LeiaFangirlFilm

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@JuanJohnJedi |@Stephen_Kent89 | @SwaraSalih1

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Geeky Stoics
Geeky Stoics
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture.