On episode IV of Beltway Banthas, Stephen and Tirso talk death & Star Wars. Stephen's grandfather passed away a few backs ago, and we felt this was a good time to talk about it. No better place to do so than on this podcast. If there is one thing the Star Wars saga can guarantee you, it is systematic and cyclical heartbreak, starting with Qui-Gon and ending most recently with Han Solo. "Death is a natural part of life" and so it is a natural part of Star Wars. Which Star Wars deaths have impacted you the most? Has Star Wars helped you deal with the loss of a loved one? Also! We preview our interview with with Kristen Soltis Anderson (The Pollsters, Fox, CNN and MSNBC contributor) Kristen co-founded a DC polling firm, authored The Selfie Vote and has guested a couple times on The Bill Maher Show. If you have some thoughts, reactions or questions about this episode...please email us at BeltwayBanthas@gmail.com...we want to hear from you. Hit us up on Twitter @BeltwayBanthas, Instagram @BeltwayBanthasPodcast and on Facebook.
Ep #4: Mourn Them Do Not
May 19, 2016
Geeky Stoics
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture.
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture.
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