Cabinet appointments, promotions, and castings...oh my! In this episode of Beltway Banthas, we discuss competitions for power taking place in both Star Wars and our own universe. Stephen and Swara discuss Rogue One’s embroilment in real world politics, the “controversy” it generated and the potential impact on its success. Next we dive into a discussion of how President Elect Trump is going about choosing members of his cabinet, and how some of it reminds us of the rat race within the Empire. We also discuss the latest canon novel Catalyst, its implications for the wider story of Rogue One, and how we both have a new favorite villain in Orson Krennic.
Ep #18: Krennic vs Tarkin
Dec 01, 2016

Geeky Stoics
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture.
Your favorite stories are part of your real life. Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings. Marvel. Batman. Are you listening to what they’re trying to tell you? Geeky Stoics is all about Stoicism, Philosophy, and Wisdom found in Pop Culture. on
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