Almost in range...ion cannons primed
The book is almost done + an awesome interview on Star Wars' eternal virtues
How The Force Can Fix The World is almost done. I have 2 more weeks till my due date on turning in a manuscript to the publisher. Right now it’s looking like 7 chapters. About 50,000 words of loving on Star Wars.
Fear, Empathy, Redemption, Humility, Choice, Hope, and Balance.
One of the revelations I had just last month was the addition of the chapter on choice. I won’t say which one I axed in its place….There was an idea of doing a chapter on how Star Wars is about being with your chosen family. This idea of friends and community being of utmost importance for a happy life. I decided to retool that to be about the virtue of choice, free will, and what Star Wars has to say about the nature vs nurture debate. I’m really excited about it. It’s me trying to make lemonade out of the ‘Rey Palpatine’ lemon. If you know me, you know I have…feelings…about that.
This has been quite a trek. Lots of ink. Lots of staring at the screen. Lots of eye drops staring at the screen. Almost there. Almost done. Two more weeks. After that…you’ll hear about pre-orders.
Last month I sat down for an interview with Matt Kibbe about the book + my new TV-YouTube show called Right Now. This interview….well I almost never listen back to interviews I give. That’s weird. But I listened to this one, and honestly…I think you’ll love it. I’m really excited about the conversation and some of the reveals here about what’s on my mind with How The Force Can Fix The World. If you prefer podcasts, you can find that here.
After you watch that, and I hope you will….my YouTube show with Al Jazeera/Rightly is almost at 1000 subscribers…which is HOLY COW COOL. The numbers have been picking up rapidly this week…it seems like something is catching on.
A new episode drops tomorrow, where I’ll be getting into the Derek Chauvin verdict with some of my friends, and dishing on why Qualified Immunity for cops needs to be fully abolished. I also stake out an important position (imo) that police officers should be required to have liability insurance in order to “serve and protect.” I think you’ll like it! This comes out tomorrow at noon. If you like marijuana policy discussion, I did a special interview for 4/20, which is below.